HELLO!!! this weeks Fashion word... Fichu! This is a little triangle or square piece of material folded into a triangle - very elegant for evening dresses and, in the fashion of today, fichus have a tendency to take the place of stoles which can be rather cumbersome.
So I am back from the land of banding and work! I have been saving my self for this blog post - a HUGE easter holiday haul! I have many items which I have been holding onto to show you guys!
News- I have lost some weight.. I dont know how much as I hate weighing myself :/ But enough for people to notice! so that is fab *proud moment*
Songs listened to whilst Blogging:
Dj Snake - Bird Machine
Young Kato - Young Kato EP
Without keeping you waiting any longer.. here is my giant haul :) enjoy
(from left to right)
Percy & Reed - Finishing Polish
Aussie - Colour Mate Conditioner
Aussie - Miricle colour insurance, Leave in conditioner
St. Moriz - Instant tan spray in medium
Lush - Eau Roma Water (toner)
Here is my latest addition to hair/face products. There is a fair few here.. I never realised *oops*
finishing polish: this is really amazing! I just put it in when I have done my hair, and it really does hold the look that little bit more!
Aussie products: I am yet to try these.. But they smell AMAZING! they are on offer 2 for £7 in Sainsburys so I went all out!! I will tell you what I think!
Tan: This is my FAVE tan of all time, and I always use tan so trust me I have gone through lots... And this is the best, and its only £2.99. I will let that linger on your minds!
Toner: This is something that a friend recommended so I got this in a small bottle.. but I shall bet getting the big ass bottle.. this stuff is incredible! When I take of all my make up, I spray a little bit of this on and it just takes all the access muck of.. its amaze.

Here is some lip products :)
Mac Mate Lipstick in the shade: So Chaud: this is super bright and I wasn't too sure on this at first, then i got home wapped it on, and omg I love it so much! It isn't to garish and actually suits me *wink wink*
Rimmel 1000 kisses stay on lip contouring pencil in the shade 004 Indian Pink: I bought this on a wim in Browns in my local town! and again its super bright but I love it so much! I often wear this all over the lip not just on the outside.. I know rebel!
Top Shop Lip Cream in the shade Dust: this is something I havent had the chance to wear yet... But what I do know is.. it smells incredible! So again when I wear it I shalllet you peeps know what its like :)
Peaches & Cream
The Valley
When I wondered to the beauty in toppers, I saw the sign "2 for £8 on all nail polish" I was there faster than light.. And I picked up these two beauties!
Peaches & Cream: this is a colour that is super pretty on, and its a wonderful pastel orange.. mmm
The Valley: this is a sparkley pastle green, and again its super lovely! I adore the glittery bits!!
However..... These nail varnishes need many coats to look opaque, so be warned. This is a major let down for me.. sorry!
Soap & Glory Super Cat Eyeliner: This is a product that has been raved about for a while and I needed a new liquid eyeliner, so I though why not! And omg.. I adore it so much. It goes on so easily and I find it so quirky how it looks like a felt tip pen (y) *i am so easily amused*
Clothing & Accessories...
Topshop Bikini
So if you follow me on the twitter you may have seen that me and my mum are going on a spa break away! And we will be using the swimming pool.. so me being me I decided to buy a new bikini :) I love the high waisted pants and it looks really nice on! so this isnt bad - for those wanting to know how much it is, this is £34.. *no wonder I have no money!*

Topshop Skater skirt - Easter gift from mum
So instead of an egg, my mum very kindly buys us somehting nice to wear, this year I was blessed with this rather amaze skirt! I lurrrvvee this and goes with many items!

All from topshop..
This easter lets just say I had a bit of a splurge in topshop!
Peplum top: I have wanted one of these bad boys for a while and this was * I think* £18 so for Topshop I was on it like a badger and bought this one!
Spotty: I have been eyeing up this cropped top for a while so I thought why not! I think this was something like £10, so again BARGAIN! I have worn this loads already. yeah I love it
Black number: this is just a simple black cropped top, I really like it and was only £8.. Yeah bargain!

Primark tops
So when I went out with band, I raided primark like a beast.. and these are the tops I bought!
They are both super comfy and because they were cheap, if they get ruined I can always get a new one!
OH.. I got both in a large, as I am lapping up the baggy tops right now!

Urban Outfitters dress - £15 sale
So I went into Urban Outfitters, and there was a pretty massive sale on 75% off.. I was like WHOA! so I got this, I really like it and you can wear it with anything :) and for £15 you can't go wrong! I haven't worn this out yet, but I will be soon!
Missguided Necklase
Saw this online and I had to get it... It was pretty pricey for a necklase it was £8.99, but I adore it! And I am a sucker when it comes to jewellery, so I love this! and it goes with everything!
Primark bag... £6
Lets just say I saw studds and I saw £6 and I couldn't leave it.
Primark ring..£1.50
again, I saw the price and I couldn't leave it! Guilty as charged! BUT.. I have worn this pretty much every day for 2 weeks, and my finger is nowhere near green! Primark rings are actually amazing for the money!
Extra bits!
These are my new primark shoes (y) yes boys! They were £10, and they are pretty swarve! I really love these, super simple and super cute.. What more could you want from a shoe?
So my aunty being the amazing doll she is, got me this mug for easter. yeah I love it, and it takes the pride of being on my bedside table, where I wake up and see harry's face. But yeah, as silly as this gift is it has such a great sentiment behind it! and was a good subsitute instead of an egg (y)
Hope you guys enjoyed looking at my new bits and bobs!
see you in a few days for Inspiration and AOTW
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