Tuesday, 25 June 2013

BACK BACK BACK. I promise.

Bonjour everyone! I hope you are all well and you are enjoying your summer if, like me, you are done!

Where have I Been??
So as you all will have noticed I have not been blogging regularly at all, and my explanations are as follows:
1. I underestimated how much work (after my prom) I actually needed to do

2. I wasn't sure if I wanted to carry on blogging, and after a long hard think... I am here to stay! 
3. I have been a lazy poo (to put it bluntly)

Nothing much has been happening down my end of the world really.. My auntie is moving house so I am looking after their little girl (vines, Tweets & Instagrams to follow!) and I am going away in 6 days *Internal scream* 

The party king of my group of pals is now in my village.. so now it helps when he has friends over as I can plod up home!
Now that I am FREE! I am able to blog more and keep you lot posted on my life & happenings,, I bet you are all super excited
I also have developed a new love for some people...
Will.I.Am (That shouldn't be admitted to AT ALL) Matt from the British voice *mmm* and Greg Rutherford.. google him. 

I have also come to the decision now I am at home everyday and I have nothing much to do an evening.. That I will definitely be doing 2 blog posts a week, just so its in easy chunks :) 


Plan: I have decided that because I am indeed away for 2 weeks, there will be 4 blog posts or at least 2! I have no idea what the WIFI in the hotel will be like and keep in mind I will be blogging on my iPad so anything could happen... But I will try and keep you all posted on my twitter!

With only 6 days till I set off I have decided to use this weeks IMWNO as a holiday based one *YES* Genius I know.. 

1. While swimwear shopping I came across the designer which I had heard of but not really bothered looking into - Matthew Williamson. I adore his Electric bay shirt dress.. Its just beaut! I think it would look great on the beach.. shame I really can't afford it, I think £395 is a little out of my price range -.-

2. While doing my average look on Wildfox, I came across the cutest swimming one piece EVER! its adorbs and I want it. now. Its £168.. which I could afford but I would be able to wear nothing else... so I think I will leave this one *sob*
Its rather depressing as I will never look like that in a cozzie..

3. while doing some casual clothes shopping, I came across a brand "commes des garcons" which I have heard of many a time, but never really put my foot on their grounds.. and I love their stuff.. EEP.. So I went onto their website and I came across this really cute T-shirt, PLAY MENS CLASSIC T-SHIRT WHITE WITH EMBROIDERED RED LOGO, however it is £70, I don't think, right now, I could ever justify paying that much for a top.. but I like it all the same (p.s. I know this is a mans top, but I am digging a baggy number right now!)
This week, I have chosen the delectable Tom Odell, not entirely sure if I have used him already.. ahh well.
This week has seen the release of his new album Long Way Down. I think I had this in pre-order for ages and it came through on Monday at 1am and it is all i have listened to for the past day and a bit! I think every song resonates with me in someway, my fave is deffo "Grow Old With Me" and the title song "long way down"
I think if you are into songs which make you feel emotions and make you feel good then you should give this chap a go! He definitely deserved to win the Brits Choice Award 2013. Well done son, I salute you.

If you fancy me doing a blog post on what I am taking in either my Suitcase/Hand Luggage let me know, buy going onto my Facebook (y)
Thank you for reading my little Lovelies:
Like and comment and See you on the Weekend

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