Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Guess Who's Back?!

Hello Everyone! Its been so long since I have posted. You're probably wondering why!
Obviously I am now at university, and not that this got pushed to one side.. I just wasnt feeling it, and I didn't want to give you guys some half hearted poopy pieces, that not only did I not want to read..But neither would you. So I took these few months off to find my voice, my style and the direction in which I want to write. And now I have that. 

What do you think of the place now? Its totally been re-done *FINALLY* .. Totally taking advantage of the uni computers and using all their products *teehee* 

This year.. 

  • As always, you will have my weekly inspiration. Whether that be a photographer, Stylist, Musician or just general Photo's. 
  • Hauls/Uni Room updates/Uni House updates/Beauty reviews/Designer bits... just bits of everything!
  • You will also find that I will be posting more "newsie" pieces/Articles on designers, as I want to share with you my fashion writings that I do at uni. And I think we can all benefit from it! 
  • Again, you will get my weekly updates/ramblings on what I am up too, my projects at uni, boy probs, weekly outfits and all that shabang *I should add, that you can find my daily outfit updates on my Tumblr, which is linked in the side bar!*
  • You will also find, that I will be posting things that I do to get more "cultured" so.. Good old movies, exhibitions and all that gumpf! 
  • Then finally, The usual the AOTW (Artist Of The Week) and IMWNO (If Money Was No Option)
I hope you guys stick with and bare with me while I get back into the swing of things around here. Now I have the technology and equipment..things could get fancy! 
Review Of The Past Year. 

This is so late..Am I ashamed? nope.

2013.. watta year it was indeedy!
1. I moved away from home.. and I realised I can actually live on my own, and I don't need my lovely mum all the time! 

2. I am living near London... (Pretty mega)
3. I've met some amazing friends, who I know I will be friends with for a long time! 

4. I patched things up with old friends
5. I started to shop less.. and exersize more.. SAY WHHAAAT.
6. I realised I am strong enough and I can cope on my own. I have found my voice and I am finally feeling me again. *deep* 

1. More blogging. More. More. More. 
2. I have already joined the gym. Do I get brownie points for this?
3. Possible work placement?
4. Finish my first year at uni *whoa*
5. I will turn 20. I am now an adult.. which means I can no longer get child tickets for things. bummer.
6. ... I am sure there's more, but right now I can't think of anything!!

Thank you all for your support, and thank you for reading :)
see you soon! 

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